Welcome to Mr. Hendry's website! Mr. Hendry teaches Weight Training, Lifetime Activities and is the Head Track & Field Coach.          Welcome to Mr. Hendry's website! Mr. Hendry teaches Weight Training, Lifetime Activities and is the Head Track & Field Coach.           Welcome to Mr. Hendry's website! Mr. Hendry teaches Weight Training, Lifetime Activities and is the Head Track & Field Coach.         Welcome to Mr. Hendry's website! Mr. Hendry teaches Weight Training, Lifetime Activities and is the Head Track & Field Coach. 

E-mail - paul.hendry@k12.sd.us

Phone/Voice Mail - 605-394-6758 - Extension 643. It's BEST to email me!

Stevens H.S. Phone - 605-394-4051

2013-2014 Class Schedule - SPRING Semester

Period 0 - (7:30am - 8:15am) - PLANNING

Period 1 - (8:15am - 9:03am) - Weight Training

Period 2 - (9:08am - 10:00am) - Weight Training

Period 3 - (10:05am - 10:53am) - Lifetime Activities

Period 4 - (10:58am - 11:46am) -  LUNCH

Period 5 - (11:51am - 12:31pm) - PLANNING

Period 6 - (12:36pm - 1:24pm) - Weight Training

Period 7 - (1:29pm - 2:17pm) - Weight Training

Period 8 - (2:22pm - 3:10pm) - Weight Training

My gradebook is available online and updated weekly on Skyward Family/Student Access. Contact the Stevens High School office if you would like to have access to your child's grades in my class. My Homework Calendar/schedule which will have all classroom activities, homework assignments and more will be located on our Edmodo website. If you would like access to Edmodo you can retrieve your parent code from your child's Edmodo account (located  on the right panel of their homepage) or you can email me for it. Click on the other links below for my classroom information, guidelines, procedures and more. You can also get to the Stevens website and various Raider Athletic sites below.


Requirements / Materials

(This will take you to Edmodo)

(You will need a username/password)

Grading / Procedures

(This will take you to Edmodo)

(You will need a username/password)

Homework Calendar / Schedule

(This will take you to Edmodo)

(You will need a username/password)




Stevens High School Family Access / Student Access

(You will need a username/password)


This site was last updated - Wednesday January 22, 2014